The Calm After the Storm

We are shaken to the core by events that may not even hurt us. But we see other people suffer and we feel our innermost truths shaken and challenged. If we allow the questions to come, the fear to be felt, the doubts to surface, in time all that perturbs will simply flow…away…and we will have clarity that we never once experienced.

Out of the Tunnel

Hibernation is over. Sunlight, birds chirping, wind on my face. Things I missed. But the darkness that I retreated to for several months showed me the light within – awesome. To keep my focus on the light now that I am out of the tunnel, that is the challenge, my new purpose.


After the flurry of activities, life deliberately provides us with opportunities to slow down and rest. If we have learned to move our focus away from the call of the material world, we are able to enjoy this time or retreat. Life ceases to be a race and begins to take on the pace of a sweet, slow dance.

The River

I do not differentiate very much between thoughts and words. Quite frankly, I do not attach great importance to thoughts either. I attach more importance to things. For example, there was a man at this ferry who was my predecessor and teacher. He was a holy man who for many years believed only in the river and nothing else. He noticed that the river’s voice spoke to him. He learned from it; it educated and taught him. The river seemed like a god to him and for many years he did not know that every wind, every cloud, every bird, every beetle is equally divine and knows and can teach just as well as the esteemed river. But when this holy man went off into the woods, he knew everything; he knew more than you and I, without teachers, without books, just because he believed in the river.
– Herman Hesse, from Siddhartha


When sad things happen in life, it is the time when we need to allow, to flow and let go. Then there is no struggle and as we tread the rocky path in the dark, we see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Defining My Purpose

“God is the nature of my being; the Source of who I am. My soul is God breathing through my human-ness. Writing is a passion that feeds my soul and enables me to touch base with God in me. When I write, I am one with God.”

Hope and Faith

Hope helps us build emotional muscles. When life presents us with pain, hope presents itself as an alternative to despair, depression and giving up. Hope helps us find the threads of faith within our soul. It shows us that we have the capacity to believe in something or someone greater than pain. Hope opens the door so that we can allow faith to come into our lives and view the circumstances of pain and tragedy from a different perspective. Hope is always there. But it is not always easy to hope. It takes a long time to understand hope.

From Hope to Acceptance

Hope is a not means to a joyful end. Life presents us with opportunities to learn how to hope, how not to go to despair. We learn how to hope; but we also learn that hope does not always result in happy endings. In the ultimate analysis, learning how to hope is but a step towards learning how to accept.

Inner Light

Remember always that the Light is within you. Do not allow what is not in your nature to cloud your vision. Love, faith, trust, hope – these are the stars that will shine their light on your journey on earth.

State of Being

Far from the turmoil that now hounds the earth is a state of BEing – a peaceful place available to everyone. It is far because people have distanced themselves from matters of Spirit. Life goes on as though the material world is all there is. Many have and continue to listen to the stirrings of Spirit, but they often find it difficult to reach higher levels of soul communication because of the trappings of the material world. It is when the spirit of Love pervades that one is able to successfully transcend the temptations of the material. Nowhere is there a place more perfect than this – the state of BEing.


In the presence of the Divine love flows through all of creation. Receive the blessings this day brings and know that in their very being, each person, animal, plant or insect -everything- carries within a very profound message of love.


There is a definite change/shift happening in my life. I am expanding, even as I am decreasing. I AM NOW, yet I AM NOT. I become, even as I unravel. It is a very fascinating process, one that I don’t understand. Yet it feels so comfortable, like a perfect fit. I feel the same way about the God I have been trying to know since I was young – I still do not fully understand who or what God is, yet I feel so comfortable in this state of unknowing.

Inner Life

In the midst of seeming inactivity, Love stirs that which the eyes cannot see. Be still and you will see the flourishing of life within. It is not only an amazing sight – it is truly breathtaking. You do not feel it because you still see with your eyes. Look within, with your heart.


Time is not expendable. It is not limited. Time is limitless – time lasts forever. If you can dance with time, it can be stretched to infinity. Time is always there, it will never disappear, so there is no need to grab it. Time is of the essence, we are told. Time is essence, I now know. Time heals, time allows us to unfold our wings, time waits for us. Time is my friend. Time affords me, time indulges me, time waits for me.


Today I say goodbye
to several good things
that belong to the past.
Good, happy days with friends
before we all went our separate paths.

I say goodbye to a 33-year old company
that had been good to me and my family.
To all the wonderful, memorable times
shared with all who worked there.

To all the happy times,
the beautiful places we visited,
the colorful memories we created
before our needs changed,
making us leave, one by one.
And now, that company shall go to sleep,
after being the source of blessings for so many.

Today, I feel the joy of those moments
shared with so many people,
And acknowledge the sadness
in the realization that it shall never be again,
That good ole Fr. Lenny has left this world
And his laughter would no longer
add merriment to our days.

Today is a day of endings,
of goodbyes and farewells.
I savor the happy memories once more,
even as I feel the pain that endings bring.

Today, life ceases to be what it was,
and begins to be what it must.
That is the beauty of endings –
despite the pain, it opens us up
to the possibility of new beginnings.

A phase ends

The hair that I cut short 7 years ago can be allowed to grow again. The phase that began when I cut my hair is over; a new one begins. As I go on my way, I let my hair grow again, and fly away!

A shell in my hand

A cone, a shell,

Laced with master strokes

Filled with joy and wonder.

I hold it and it holds me.

I gaze at it and it enfolds me.

Lines, circles, patterns.


Reverberating with life

No matter how far away it is from its home.

Giving me visions of the sea,

Sharing with me what it feels like to live

Under…and now, away from home,

Being glad to be here, with me.

My Hands

My hands know the meaning of time
They know the meaning of life.
They give,
They love,
They laugh.
My hands, not mere appendages
But extensions of love and joy.
Instruments for giving,
Implements for living.